This plan includes 14 exercises
This plan will help you to practice during the off-season.
Learn a selection of drills and exercises to be performed in the Off-Season
Learn Rob Goldup’s Simple Warmup
Complete Paul Casey’s Practice Games
Maintain your rhythm and timing for the new season
Learn and perform Paul Casey’s warmup routine
Although we have provided some templates for practice and warm up structure, we always advise Birdietimers to use the information provided to create an individual plan which matches the demands of the golfer and the environment they play in.
By using the winter programme to help you structure and work on your golf during the off season, can you successfully come up with a programme that will help you DURING the season as well?
Performance Improvement: Depending on the individuals golf game, you should see a change in a key factor of your game e.g increase in club head speed, practice structure efficiency etc.
Here’s to a great season!”
Paul Casey, PGA Tour and European Tour player.
Watch the interview of Paul Casey
We, Birdietime coaches, are using the same lessons with our tour players. This does not mean that you need to be a tour player to benefit from these drills. These drills and exercises are perfect for every level of golfer, you just need to practice them.
We also highly recommend that you follow the schedule. Taking these lessons one step at a time will give you the best opportunity to learn and improve.
Enjoy and give us feedback.“
Hugh Marr, PGA and European Tour Coach, Birdietime Chief Golf Officer
Hugh Marr
I create physical programmes for golfers of all abilities and I’m going to share some of the content with you for your off season programme. If you’re a golfer who already has a physical warm up, then our goal will be to make it more time efficient and with better structure you’ll be able to tune in and learn how your body moves within your own golf swing.”
Rob Goldup, European and PGA Tour physical and performance coach.
Rob Goldup
I thought I was too old to learn, but these videos make it so so easy.
1. Understand the importance of warm-ups and why you should do them every time.
2. Begin to implement personalised changes to Paul Casey's warm-up
3. Be able to perform all of Rob Goldup's exercises in a timely manner
1. Learn some new and fun ways to make the driving range interesting and your practice meaningful
2. Be able to perform all of Rob Goldup's exercises in a timely manner
3. Tackle our selection of bonus drills to really maximise your improvement
1. Improve body movement and club speed using these excellent drills
2. Be able to perform all of Rob Goldup's exercises in a timely manner and without looking at the program for help
3. Tackle our selection of bonus drills to really maximise your improvement
1. Complete this final selection of drills from Birdietime coach Hugh Marr to fully prepare for the new season
2. Become an expert at Rob Goldup's warm-up routine and factor in some exercises to suit your needs
3. Tackle our selection of bonus drills to really maximise your improvement
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